Study Questions
Q1. Who does Dr.King refer to by the epithet "Great American " ?
Ans. He refer to the great leader of Negros in America.
After reading the first paragraph, can you guess what the emancipation proclamation might mean ?
Ans. The Emancipation proclamation means the declaration of independence of bank people in America. This proclamation gave equal right to Negro's in America.
Q ) how does king describe the life of the Negro in the us one hundred year after the emancipation proclamation ?
Ans, One Hundred year after this proclamation Negros are still facing hardships. Their life is still crippled in the shackles of segregation and discrimination. they are leading the life of exile in their own country.
Q Why is 1963, according to Dr king, not an end but beginning ? A beginning of what ?
ans, He spoke to Negros in 1963. according to him as Negros are still deprived of their due rights, so the struggle for freedom will continue. there will be no peace in America until Negro's are granted citizenship rights.
Q what is Dr king advice to the black people while marching on the road to freedom ?
ans, According to Dr, king Negro will never be satisfied until they are the victim of police brutality.
they will not be satisfied until they find lodging in big city hotels. they will not satisfied until they are given right to vote.
Dr, King repeatedly speak of his dream
ans, According to Dr, King he had a dream that a day will come that their children will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. A day will come when there white and black children will join hands and walk together like brothers and sisters.